Minor Planet (55561) Madenberg
(55561) MadenbergThis object, originally designated 2002 AF9, was named after Janet Alene Stevens (nče Madenberg): Discovered 2002 Jan. 09 by B. L. Stevens at Desert Moon Observatory, Las Cruces, NM, USA. Named in honor of Janet A. Stevens (nče Madenberg, 1950-), an amateur astronomer who started a loaner telescope program in 1984 to introduce novices to telescopic observing. She co-edited (Northern Lights) from 1990-1998. She was Executive Secretary of the Astronomical League from 1995-2001, and is a member of the American Astronomical Society's Working Group on Amateur-Professional Collaboration. You can get an ephemeris (predicted positions) for this minor planet from the Minor Planet Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, MA. It really is a rather technical table of positions in Right Ascension (R.A.) which is like longitude in the sky and Declination (Dec.) which is like latittude. Just click the "Get Ephemerides/orbits" button below. If you want, there are more technical options below if you want to play with them.
A PDF document describing the use of the MPES (Minor Planet Ephemeris Service) is available. Information on any known problems with this service is available.
Supplementary Information
This service utilises the Minor Planet Ephemeris Service, courtesy of the IAU's Minor Planet Center. It has been made possible by Process Software Corporation, and their excellent VMS Web server, Purveyor. The calculations will be performed on the Tamkin Foundation Computing Network.
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